Sunday, November 16, 2014

Latin Roots #6

Roots and Derivatives 
1. Corp(or): body
2. Cred: To believe
3. Cur(r), Curs, Course: To run, to flow
4. dic(t): To speak, to say

Word List
1. Benediction: the invocation of a divine blessing, as at the close of a religion service; a blessing or state of blessedness
   After every Sunday Mass, the priest offers a benediction.

2. Concourse: a running or flowing together; a broad public walkway or hallway; a crowd or throng
   The securities job was to monitor the concrete concourse area of the football stadium.

3. Concurrent: occurring at the same time; meeting or acting together
   Hannah Montana lived a concurrent life; her ordinary life and her famous life.

4. Corporal: related to the physical body
   There would definitely be less troubled students and better behavior if schools used corporal punishments.

5. Corpulent: very stout; fleshly and obese; fat
   After the guy from super size me experimented from overeating McDonalds, he became rather corpulent in size.

6. Credibility: the quality of being believable or trustworthy
   Once somebody has lied to me once, their credibility has gone out the window.

7. Credulity: the willingness to believe too easily without proof.
   The con artist was able to sell was able to easily sell his products to credulous buyers.

8. Cursory: done is a superficial or hasty manner
   Before my test, I cursory looked over my notes instead of studying the night before.

9. Dictum: an authoritative saying or maxim
   My mom always tells me cheesy dictums that her mom once told her.

10. Incorporate: to form into one body or functioning unit; to combine several different things into a whole
   Artist like to incorporate their own personality in their paintings.

11. Incredulous: not believing, skeptical, or doubting
   It was obvious the jury did not believe the defendants incredulous alibi. 

12. Indicative: characteristic of or very much like; suggestive
   My brothers wedding ring is an indicative of his wives love.  

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