Thursday, May 28, 2015

Lord of the Flies Final Journal

The end of the novel cought me a little bit by surprise. I had a feeling all along that someone was going to die, but I did not expect Piggy, my favorite character of the novel to die. I also did not think they were going to get rescued, so that took me by surprise as well. I believe Ralph cried when they finally got rescued because he was so happy to be saved, and alive. Lets face it, if someone would not have came to rescued the boys, they'd all be dead. All his emotions finally caused him to break down and cry because he is finally saved, something he's been promising himself since day one. The characters I despite the most are Jack and Roger. However I have to say I despite Jack the most because he's the most savage, while the other boys, such as Roger, are just his little sidekicks that do everything Jack demands. I would probably recommend this book to a friend because it was actually a lot better than I had envisioned. This novel lets you ponder beyond the words on the page and allows you to think about human nature.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Lord of the Flies: Chapter 11 review

1.  Ralph's group decides to approach Jack's group and demand for Piggy's glasses back. However they also decide to bring the conch with them to give Jack's group an impression of authority.

2. The twins are examining Ralph as if they are "seeing Ralph for the first time" because Ralph is seeming to change. He is a different boy from when he started out in the island. At first, all Ralph seemed to be concerned about was setting a signal fire to be rescued, and now he seems to be having blanks of the importance of being rescued.

3.The boys attempt to get back Piggy's specs and get the other boys to maintain a signal fire is bound to fail because Jack is hard to accommodate with. He already killed one boy, and he will have no hesitation to kill another one, especially the boys he hates most. Also, he as all the savages on his side which will do anything to his command.

4. I think Roger pushed the rock off the cliff because it makes him feel superior. The island has changed Roger into some sick savage where he finds pleasure in hurting others. He also is like a little sidekick of Jack and will do anything to please him.

5. The destruction of the conch is symbolically significant because it represents that the boys on the island have lost all authority. Now that the "authority" on the island is destroyed, the civilization is also shattered.

6. Most of the boys want a chief because they want some sort of a leader. Believe it or not, most people enjoy having someone above them telling them what to do. Although not always positive, the boys on the island enjoy having Jack demanding orders around.

7. What makes you enjoy the feeling of killing boys your age?
    If you were to be rescued soon, do you think you can live the same life you left?

8.  I was ecstatic. No grown ups, no rules, no being bossed around. This island was a safe haven when we first arrived. All of us got along, in fact I actually considered the other boys my friends. There was order too, we had food, water, jobs, housing, and authority. We even nominated a chief, who was Ralph because we all agreed with his fair decisions. It was fun when we all had hope. Hope for rescue from our signal fires we put up. Then suddenly everything turned around.
    Grown ups don't warn you enough for adulthood, let me tell you. It all started with the "snake" thing Jack was telling us about. He called it "The Beast." Since then everything has been haywire. We split up into two groups, we're killing pigs for fun, and worst of all, we're turning on each other. Jack and his savage tribe has already killed two boys.. two of my friends. I play along or I'll probably be next. I wish my parents were here, they'd keep order together, even without the conch. My parents won't let me get away with a dirty room let alone murdering two innocent boys. Everyone is different now, I just hope the rest of us back it back alive; except maybe Jack. He can go.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Lord of The Flies questions: Chapter 10

1. Ralph, Piggy, and Samneric were all discussing over Simons death the following morning, however they each seem to have different views on the night. When Piggy was talking to Ralf, he believes the innocent was an accident and he says, "Coming in the dark-he hadn't no busies crawling like that out of the dark. He was batty. He asked for it...It was an accident"(Golding 157). On the contrary, Ralf actually admits the savagery the boys committed, and he even says straight up, "That was murder"(Golding 156). When Samneric joined their conversation, they acted as if nothing went on the night before and simply said,"We were very we left early"(Golding 158). All the boys   make themselves feel better about the situation by blaming their mistakes on other things.

2. Ralf and Jack had two completely different explanations for what had happened to Simon. Ralph claims that Simons death was no accident but rather an evil savage instinct taken over by the boys with violence and chants. He says, "I wasn't scared,...I was-I don't know what I was"(Golding 156). Jack however saw the situation as "saving" the other boys from the beast. He believed Simon was a reincarnation of the beast. "He came-disguised. He may come again even though we gave him the head of our kill to eat. So watch; and be carful"(Golding 160).

3. Based on his order to have Wilfred beaten, we can conclude that Jacks power has gone way out of hand and has completely shattered his humanity. There was no valid reason for Jack to cruelly beat Wilfred. "'He's going to beat Wilfred.' 'What for?'... ' I don't know. He didn't say.  He got angry and made us tie Wilfred up. He's been...he's been tied up for hours, waiting-"(Golding 160). Although Jack may be the so called "chief" but the boys in his tribe only obey him not out of respect, but out of fear and trepidation. They're afraid he'll make rash decisions out of anger as he did to Wilfred. "Half- relieved, half-daunted by the implication of further terrors, the savages murmured again"(Golding 161)

4. We know Jack is now chief because besides the fact that his tribe calls him chief, he is also the one making all the decisions now and seems to be ruling over the other boys.
Piggy: Loses glasses and has an asthma attack
Ralph: "Maybe this is just in my nightmare" gets hit by another boy
Sam: Destroys huts all by himself
Eric: gets attacked by Ralph
Jack: Invades Ralphs area, leads the other boys, then steals Piggy's glasses
Roger: follows Jack

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Still Wrong Ebola

1. Betsy McCaughey identifies that preparing regular hospitals for treating ebola is outrageous and a huge problem.

2. She offers a solution in which the best Ebola strategy is to protect our local hospitals, health care workers, and patients by relaying on the nations bio-containment facilities and expanding the capacity.

3. Infective expert, Sean Kaufman, views the CDC's guidelines for protective gear in treating Ebola as "absolutely irresponsible and dead wrong."

4. Rep. Michael Burgess, held up a photo of CDC chief Frieden in Africa wearing a protective suit that covered him head to toe. He compared it to the flimsy guideline that the CDC had issued for nurses and doctors here.

5. a) Yes I agree with McCaughey's recommendation.
    b) My parents as well agree with her recommendation.  

Monday, February 9, 2015

Summary: Brian Williams

In the news article titled "NBC's Brian Williams" the author focuses on Brian Williams reportedly telling different stories about the coming under Hezbollah rocket fire. First, the author points out that Brian Williams told two different versions of a story he repeatedly told about coming under Hezbollah rocket fire while riding in an Israel Defense Forces helicopter in 2006. Next, the author informs the readers that Williams has differing accounts of how close the rockets came to the helicopter he was riding in over northern Israel. His stories and arguments differed entirely from the actual events that took place from eyewitnesses in the helicopter, saying that Williams was incorrect. In addition, the author mentions that Brian Williams had went on air Wednesday, apologizing for his lying about the Hezbollah rocket fire, and announces he is going to take a leave of absence. Finally, the author concludes by questioning Williams authority on what society should believe from past reports from our NBC News anchor, Brian Williams.

Monday, January 26, 2015


When people hear the word knowledge, right away the usual thought is school. People believe school is the main source of knowledge, but in reality people can also gain knowledge from the news, books, magazines, t.v., movies, past experiences, and most of all the famous internet. Knowledge is the powerful gift of being able to use reasoning and skill to your own advantage. Without knowledge, people would be mislead and tricked into the scams of the world. Continuous acquisition of knowledge is important because without it, it is so easy for someone to be manipulated. Knowledge keeps us grounded and ahead of those who are ignorant.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Opinion Article

Legal Age
Many teens look forward to the day when they turn 18 because in the eyes of the law, you are now considered a legal adult. At age 18 teens are allowed to vote, make their own medical decisions, enroll in the army, buy tobacco, gamble, and live independently aside from your parents. However, why is it that 18 year olds are not aloud to buy alcohol due to the fact they are not fully developed, but are able to enroll themselves in the army and risk their lives. I believe the legal age for adults should be moved up to 21 when teenaged are more mature and more developed. Teenagers are given a version of adulthood that exploits them. Society does not consider an 18 year old, old enough to drink, however, the military needs strong young minds, and the government needs tax payers.

Independence at 18 is very uncommon because most teens are still attending high school and still maintain in their amateur foolish behavior. Let's face it, high schoolers tend to get into some mischief trouble because they still aren't mature enough. For example, say if an 18 year old high school student makes one dumb mistake and gets caught, they would be charged as an adult which could distinguish any plans they had for their future. Statistics show that most homeless people were foster kids because they get kicked out of the foster program at age 18 and don't know what to do with their life still. This all shows the outcome of the immaturity level 18 year olds uphold, and giving them just that extra 3 years to grow and develop could make all the difference.